türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 30 September 2017)
Eat your heart out, Kim Jong-un.
The villagers in the Akyayla and Günindi pasture, near Karabağ village
in Kağızman district of Kars province, set out excitedly to find a meteor
that supposedly fell from the sky nearby. It turned out, though that the
'meteor' was in fact a part of a Russian intercontinental ballistic missile
Braving cold and windy weather, the villagers searched high and low
for the 'meteor', which they had heard could bring a good price from
collectors. Akyayla village chief Hamza Altay explained that "there
was a big noise after the evening prayer. I thought it was a plane but
the villagers said it was a meteor. The police called me and asked
whether a meteor had fallen. I told them I didn't see any such thing
but later it was rumored that a meteor had fallen towards Digor."
Ultimately, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that the object
that landed in Kağızman district resulted from a test of the RS-12M
Topol-type intercontinental ballistic missile.

Kars province