türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 20 June 2019)
Three's a crowd...but let's call it a chaperone-facilitator.
Ahmet Kara of Pamukkale district in Denizli province met Indonesian
Nel Mawati (39) over the internet and despite not knowing each other's
language, their 7-month social media love story has resulted in marriage.
Ahmet bey works at a hospital in Pamukkale and he met Nel Mawati,
who lives in a village near Pekanbaru, the capital of Riau, on Sumatra
Island, online. Both of them know only their native tongues, Turkish
and Bahasa, so they relied on Google Translate (!) to get to know one
another. Last month, Ahmet bey flew 13 hours to Indonesia, got the
approval of Nel Mawati's family and returned with her to Denizli for
the wedding and reception.
Living in Turkey will keep Ahmet bey's mother-in-law at bay.
With regard to the language barrier, Ahmet bey explained that "we
spoke to each other for 7 months via Google Translate. Then I flew
to Indonesia. It was hard but I brought the woman I love to Turkey.
Since we don't know each other's language, we talk by means of
the translating program on our cellphones. She plans to take a
Turkish course here soon."

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