türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 13 June 2019)
The charge: assault with a deadly flip-flop.
H.H. (25) lives in Denizli and went to Aydın's Kuşadası resort town
on a holiday with two girlfriends. On 9 July 2017, the three women
were sexually assaulted by M.E.K. (24) at 3 in the morning. To ward
off M.E.K. they threw their flip-flop shoes at him. Now, two years
later, the women received a notice from the court stating that their flip-
flops are considered 'weapons' and they face 5-year jail sentences. (!)
After the incident, M.E.K. filed a complaint with the Kuşadası public
prosecutor, alleging that he had been beaten by the three women, who
used their footware against him. The prosecutor prepared an indictment
against H.H. and the other two women and a case was opened in
court in Kuşadası, with the prosecutor requesting 5-year jail terms.
On the other hand, an investigation into the womens' complaint of
sexual harassment against M.E.K. has yet to begin. (!)

Denizli, right. Kuşadası, left.
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