türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 18 June 2019)
Taking advantage of the five-finger discount.
The Uzel tractor factory was Turkey's biggest until Uzel family
members fell out with one another and closed the factory in
2012. The now-abandoned factory in Istanbul's Rami section is
valued at 832 million TL (about $110 million) but was recently
sold for just 223 million TL.
However, when security guards didn't get paychecks they left their
posts and the factory is now being plundered in plain sight each day.
Production equipment, machine tools and even tractors are taken
out of the premises in truckloads. Foreign and local workers come
each morning to scavange the factory for iron, steel and copper to
sell, some days earning as much as 3,000 TL each.

The going, going, gone out-of-business sale.
Heavy steel forms used in tractor production, each one weighing
250-300 kilograms, are sold for 300 TL each and at least five
truckloads of them are removed each day. Security guards at a
textile factory next door related that word has gotten around about
the Uzel factory and last week a truck even came from Adana to
Well, at least they don't have to punch-in and punch-out.
Citizens continuously alert the police to the thievery and teams
from the Eyüp police station raid the factory regularly, arresting
about 5 people each day for theft. But as soon as the police leave,
the rest of the robbers reenter and press on with their 'work'.

In happier days...
The Uzel family history goes back to the 1800s when they ran
a factory in the Rusçuk region along the Bulgaria-Romania border
making horse-drawn carriages, which they sold throughout the
Ottoman Empire. The Uzel's immigrated to Bursa and built a
factory there in 1937 to make springs for their carriages. In 1961
the Uzels made a deal with Massey Ferguson to build tractors in
Istanbul, quickly becoming a major tractor manufacturer. But
patriarch Ahmet Uzel's death in 1998 and the financial crisis in
Turkey in 2001 marked the beginning of the end of Uzel tractors.

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