türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Cumhuriyet Newspaper, 6 June 2019)
Cuz it feels so empty without me.
he's a big Eminem fan great minds think alike.
Prof. Dr. Vahap Engin Gülal is an academician in the Geodesy
Department of the Construction Faculty at Yıldız Technical University
(YTU) in Istanbul. But Gülal had an opening in the Faculty's
Measuring Techinques for Map Engineering Department written such
that the successful candidate would know German. Gülal did his
doctorate at Hannover University in Germany and he filled the
opening written for a German speaker with himself (!).
The job announcement was published in March, along with the
requisite requirements plus one that demanded "the ability to give
classes in German." To this day, there has never been a class at
YTU in German. It was learned 3 months after the job announcement
that Gülar had written it.
YTU academician Müge Albayrak, who worked as a researcher at
Ohio State University in the USA, objected to Güler's slight-of-hand
and called him out on it.
The resemblance is uncanny...
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