(HaberTürk Newspaper, 6 August 2015)
Going for the bronze in this race.
The latest findings from an archeological excavation that has
been underway for the past two years at a hill known as
Kaymakçı in the Gölmarmara basin in Manisa province, has
gotten the world of archeology excited. The research, which
is shedding light on previously unknown aspects of the Late
Bronze Age (1600-1200 B.C.), is being conducted by an
international team of archeologist from leading universities
in the U.S., Europe and Turkey.
Yaşar University's Dr. Sinan Ünlüsoy, deputy chief of the
excavation project, explained that "this place is four times as
big at Troy, which was its contemporary in the period. Up
to now, it is the largest Late Bronze Age settlement found in
the Aegean region. When our work is done we will have
taken a big step forward in making Manisa known to the
As a result of the research that has been going on here
for ten years by the international excavation team, a great fortress
believed to have belonged to the ancestors of the Lydians
has been found. In sources of the Hittite Empire of the
second millenium B.C. the region was known as the
"Seha Nehri ülkesi" (nation of the Seha River).
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