(HaberTürk Newspaper, 13 December 2015)

Suspects can spend some quality time with older brother Masom...
Musayip Darabi, the brother of Iran's body-building champion
Masom Darabi, was kidnapped for ransom during a visit to Istanbul.
The incident became known when the Iranian Consulate contacted
police. The kidnappers contacted the Darabi family on 1 December
and demanded 400,000 USD. When the family offered to pay
20,000, contact was cut off.
Musayip after and before rescue.
The police hostage negotiating team got in touch with the Darabi
family and learned that Musayip had been invited to Istanbul by
an Afghan named Umut K. Through physical and video leads the
police found the place where Umut K. and his three accomplices
were holding Musayip.
Kidnappers will need Batman along when the meet up with Masom.
Police then raided the home in Küçükçekmece, where they found
Musayip with his hands and feet bound, and tape across his mouth.
The four suspects were taken into custody. On one of their cellphones
there were pictures that had been sent to the Darabi family.
Küçükçekmece district of Istanbul
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 13 December 2015)
Siblings will now share inheritance - in the grave and in prison.
//ed.note: interestingly, the word 'azgın' means 'wild' or 'rabid'.//
In Gaziantep, a gruesome murder carried out in the middle of
the street turned out to be an inheritance dispute. Yesterday at
1400, on Hoşgör Avenue in the Hoşgör neighborhood, when
sisters Semra Azgın (42) and Elif Kınacı (43) came out of a store
they were attacked with rifle fire. The assailants fled in a car.
The sisters died at the scene, as the police came to look for the
killers. Soon afterwards police raided a house and captured
the sisters' brothers Halil (46) and Hayri Azgın (39).
The police investigation revealed that brothers Halil and Hayri
had been pressuring their sisters over a house left to them by their
late father. Semra and Elif applied to a court last week to claim their
share of the inheritance. The brothers told their sisters to abandon
their claim and when they would not, the brothers killed them.
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