(Hürriyet Newspaper, 31 October 2015)
Going back to prison was on his 'bucket list' anyway.
In the Yeşilyurt neighborhood of Adana, Murat Yalçın (36)
was captured by a security camera while robbing a home.
Yalçın, who is currently serving a sentence in a open prison,
had come to Adana using his family visitation right. But he
did not return to the prison after the visit.
Police received a report that a bicycle had been stolen from
an apartment building in the 2000 Evler neighborhood so
they reviewed security camera footage. The police noticed
that a person wearing a bucket on his head was robbing the
building and they determined that it was prison escapee
Shortly afterwards police captured Yalçın who explained
that he had employed the bucket-on-the-head technique
to foil the security cameras. Yalçın was sent back to prison.
Adana province
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 24 October 2015)

No one told them to 'stay outta trouble tonight' so...
Three members of a police team in Altınordu district of Ordu
province stopped a suspicious vehicle and one of the policemen
asked the two people in the car for their identity cards. The
driver, though, all of a sudden hit the gas while the policeman
was searching inside the vehicle.
The remaining policemen used their radio to alert nearby colleagues
that "one of our own has been kidnapped!", bringing a large number of
police to the vicinity. The driver drove 10 kilometers to Perşembe
district before police shot the car tires out and stopped the vehicle.
The policemen held hostage in the car was wounded in the leg by
the ricochet of one of his colleague's bullets.
The two suspects, both under the influence of alcohol, were taken
into custody.
Ordu province