(HaberTürk Newspaper, 17 October 2015)
'Caught by Tea-server!' - he'll never live it down.
On Monday in Buca district of Izmir, businessman Y.Y. was taken
hostage at gunpoint from his office by six people. Y.Y. was brought
to a forested area at Kozağaç, where the gunmen put a gun to his
head and demanded 100,000 TL (about 30,000 USD).
The hostage-takers told Y.Y. that they would come to his office on
Friday at 6 PM to collect the money. They released him and
threatened him with death, lest he tell the police. Neverthelesss,
once free Y.Y. went straight to the police and explained the situation.
The police then put together a plan right out of action films.
A policewoman went to work at Y.Y.'s office as a tea server and
cleaner. Another policeman stood across the street selling 'simit'
(bagels), while another posed as a waiter at a pastry shop. At 6 PM
on Friday the six suspects showed up at the office and two of them
entered it, saying they had come to collect the 100,000 TL.
As Y.Y. handed over a sachel with the money in it, the costumed police
nabbed the suspects red-handed. Outside, the 'simit'-seller policeman
and the 'waiter' got word that 'the job is done' and arrested the 4 other
hostage-takers who were serving as look-outs.
Suspects C.C. (34), S.S. (33), S.İ. (41), İ.K. (31), Ş.K. (27) and
prison-escapee B.B.D. (31) were brought to court and then to jail.
Buca district of Izmir.
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