(HaberTürk Newspaper, 22 February 2017)
Selfie's are good for something after all.
Elçin Özge Cörüt and her friend Fatih Özkan boarded the ferry at
Eminönü in Istanbul for the short trip to Üsküdar to show some
friends visiting from Germany the sights. While approaching the
pier at Üsküdar, the couple took a selfie, at which time Elçin hanım
sensed that her handbag was being tampered with.
When she checked her bag, Elçin hanim noticed that her wallet
had been stolen. The couple quickly looked at the selfie they had
just taken and saw the moment when the pickpocket reached into
her handbag. Suspect M. Ö. denied being the culprit but the
security team on the ferry searched him and found Elçin hanım's
wallet in his underwear (!). M.Ö. was delivered to the police station
at Üsküdar and the selfie was entered as evidence.

Eminönü is on the lower left. Üsküdar across the water, right.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 22 February 2017)

Perhaps the shepherd should have chosen from his own flock...
Add another victim of a Syrian bride. The incident occurred in
Aşdavul village of Ortaköy in Çorum province. Shepherd Eray Bolat
(34) wanted to get married so an acquaintance, Y.Ö., arranged for him
to meet Syrian Safa S. (27), living in Gaziantep.
Soon afterwards, Bolat went to Gaziantep with five relatives and Y.Ö
to meet Safa hanım and her family. When the Bolat family agreed to
pay the prospective bride's family 12,500 TL (about 3,000 USD), an
agreement was reached. Both families then went to Çorum, where
6,000 TL-worth of gold, along with clothes and gifts, were presented
to Safa hanım, in the context of the wedding preparations. Another
7,500 TL was paid to the matchmakers.
Someone from the 'Syrian family' performed an 'imam nikâhı'
(religious wedding) and later that night as Bolat and his parents chatted
with Safa hanım, she had them drink coffee laced with sleeping potion.
After the Bolat family fell asleep, Safa hanım absconded with the money
and gold. However, villagers noticed her movements and alerted the
Gendarmerie, which arrested Safa hanım and 3 people who had come
to the village to fetch her.
Ortaköy district is in extreme SE Çorum province.
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