(Hürriyet Newspaper, 29 December 2016)

Noel rendition: Santa nabbed in Nazilli en route from the
North Pole. (Rumsfeld denies involvement)
In Nazilli district of Aydın province, a group associated with the
Alperen Hearths (rather fanatical Moslem youths) protested
Christmas and New Years with an interesting activity - they mugged
Santa Claus in the town square.
The Alperen Hearth's Nazilli chief, Burak Yaşar, explained that
"we know that our folks celebrate New Years, not Christmas, but
in order to make this point we rely on the Prophet's words. They
don't celebrate our holidays so why should we celebrate theirs.
Our friend dressed up like Santa and our guys in Efe (Aegean)
costumes beat him up. We're giving a message with this - we're
living in the Efe world here."
Aydın province. Nazilli is toward the east.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 28 December 2016)
The Grinchess who stole New Years, center, with friends.
In Marmaris district of Muğla province, Züleyha Aldoğan, district
chief for the National Education Ministry, sent a letter to all public
and private schools, as follows: "Some complaints have been received
about encouraging students toward certain celebrations that are at odds
with our values, such as dances, games of chance, New Years presents
and Santa Claus."
Teachers union chief Altan Kumbasar lamented that "it's a shame that
some people are trying to make New Years celebrations seem like a
celebration of Christmas." Meanwhile, Aldoğan is planning to file
a criminal complaint about anyone who shared her letter on social