(CNN Turk Internet Site, 20 May 2014)

Aydin's look speaks volumes...
Shepherd Aydin Kiyak (65) lives in Gozeli village in Sivrice district
of Elazig province. Two days ago while tending his flock a fly got
caught in Kiyak's throat and to dispelthe irritation a friend advised
Kiyak to drink pesticide 'to kill the fly.' However, after drinking the
'medicine' Kayik became ill and was taken to Firat University
Hospital for treatment, which continues in the hospital's intensive
care unit.
In a statement to reporters in front of the hospital, Kayik's son
Mehmet Kiyak explained that when the fly lodged in his father's
throat "his friends recommended this medicine. They poured some
powder into a glass of water, stirred it up and had my dad drink
it. As soon as he did he felt ill. At the hospital my father's stomach
was pumped and he was put into intensive care. According to the
doctor the 'medicine' is a very powerful poison. Absolute ignorance."
Dr. Bedrettin Orhan stated that Aydin Kiyak is hooked up to a
breathing device in intensive care. An inquiry has begun into the
poisoning of Aydin Kiyak.
Sivrice district is south of Elazig city.
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