(Sabah Newspaper, 11 May 2014)
Lunch time? Dinner time?
A young man living in Ozalp district of Van province
was having trouble swallowing, experienced stomach
pain and had a general languidness so he went to the hospital.
It turned out that he had a wrist watch in his stomach.
Erhan Ozbilir (22), who has psychological issues (!), was
taken to the Regional Training and Research Hospital by
relatives when he complained of stomach pain. Subsequently,
Ozbilir was taken to Yuzuncu Yil University (YYU)'s Dursun
Odabas Medical Center where ultrasound and x-ray
procedures were conducted. An endoscopy examination
revealed that there was a wrist watch and two metal pieces
in his stomach.
Dr. Tolga Kalayci at YYU's General Surgery Section said
that this was the second time that Ozbilir has swallowed
a watch and other items because of psychological problems he
was experiencing. Four months ago a wrist watch, toy car and
6 other objects were removed from Ozbilir's stomach. Dr.
Kalayci confirmed that the foreign items would have to be
extracted in an operation, rather than by endoscopy.

Ozalp district is on the Iranian border in eastern Van.
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