türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 8 February 2018)
Winner gets the special-edition "Fred Astaireoğlu"
commemorative Bitcoin series.
Officials at a firm in Istanbul that deals with Bitcoins determined
that 1.3 million TL (about $400,000) had been stolen from their
bank account. Police examined the firm's Bitcoin sales and
found that one of the firm's employees, Aykut Dede, had stolen
the password of a senior official at the firm. Dede had opened
bank accounts for two friends and transferred the money to these
accounts two weeks later, as if from a Bitcoin sale.
It turned out that Dede had bought himself a luxury car for
500,000 TL with the stolen loot, had the car registered under
the name of a relative, and the plates arranged in his son's name.
Police found 680,000 TL in Dede's home and determined that
Dede appeared with a dance team on a TV show (!).
When he was taken into custody, Dede said in his statement that
"I did it as a joke, to teach the boss a lesson." As for the luxury
car, he asserted that "I was going to give the car to my boss as
a gift." (!) Regarding the two friends to whom he sent the
money, Dede explained that "they had no role in this. The fault
is entirely mine."
Teaching the boss a lesson...with real money.
Bitcoin hesabımı mı açmak istiyorsunuz? Tıklayın: bitcoin hesabı açma
YanıtlaSilBtcturk,Binance,Paribu güvenilir mi değil mi yazlarımız:
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3- Paribu güvenilir mi diye merak ediyorsanız tıklayın: paribu güvenilir mi
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