türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 24 February 2018)
Next stop: Coney Island for the hot dog eating contest.
In Denizli, a contest was held at Mehmet Kaya's restaurant to
see if a customer could eat the amount of food he or she said
was possible. The winner would be awarded a 1/4-size gold
piece. Customer Elif İşeri took up the challenge, claiming
she could eat 151 shish kebabs.
A waiter brought her that amount of kebabs, plus ayran and
lavaş bread. At first, Elif hanım rolled the meet into sandwich-
like portions but quickly realized her stomach could not
accommodate this technique. Switching to eating the kebab
pieces one by one, Elif hanım finished them all in 30 minutes
and claimed her prize.

türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 24 February 2018)

Well, at least they're out from behind their computers and
In recent years the Ankara-Kars train "Doğu Expresi" has become
popular with young people, sparking the tourism sectors of
provinces and districts along the way. As the train approaches
Erzurum, the youngsters get the phone numbers of restaurants
in the city from railroad personnel and place orders for 'cağ kebap',
in particular.

So this is what real snow looks like...
The restaurants bring the hundreds of orders to the Erzurum
train station and deliver them to the young people riding the train.
The passengers got a surprise in Erzincan's Kemah district two
days ago: District Chief Ahmet Karaaslan and Mayor Osman
Kemal Aslan got permission from TCDD (Turkish Railways)
to keep the train in Kemah 20 minutes longer than normal. With
a band playing, the passengers were offered rock salt, lavaş
bread and local cheese, along with a brochure and CD about
Kemah. Some of the passengers dance the 'halay' with locals.
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