türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 25 February 2018)
And on his farm there was a deviant - himself.
Police in Istanbul set up a special team to track young girls who
have escaped from their dormitories and determined that some
of them had been held at a goose farm in Kayışdağı, Ataşehir.
The day before yesterday, police raided the farm and first drugged
3 pit bulls and a Kangal dog in the garden of the farm, where there
were ramshackle huts for housing animals, and gained entry.
An Afghani named Sabur R., who was looking after the geese
and chickens, was taken into custody but the farm's owner
Abuzer Sayan could not be found. However, police did find
videos that confirmed that young girls were being held and
exploited at the farm under duress. Police found CDs showing
that 4 girls between the ages of 14-17 - A.T., K.Ü., H.K. and A.U,
had been brought to the farm against their will and had been
sexually exploited. In addition, two revolvers and 180
bullets were recovered by police.
A bad boy and his dog.
Three of the girls returned to their dormitories but were too
scared to talk about their experiences. It is believed that
Abuzer Sayan has so far lured 7-8 girls to the farm and forced
them into sexual acts at gunpoint. Subsequently, police identified
Sayan's home in Ataşehir and when they raided it they rescued
a 17-year-old girl named H.K. who was being held there. Sayan
was arrested and a records check found that he was wanted for
12 crimes, including kidnapping and car theft, among other
illegal acts.
Kayışdağı is near Ataşehir.
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