türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 7 February 2018)

Cheeky "Sanbot" upstaging Minister Aslan.
In Ankara, a robot caused a sensation at the Secure Internet Day
program, organized under the auspices of the Information Technology
Council. While Transportation and Communications Minister Ahmet
Aslan spoke at the podium about the importance of a secure internet,
the Chinese robot "Sanbot" kept interrupting Aslan, saying things like
"speak more slowly, I can't understand what you're saying" and "what
are you talking about?" (!)
Arslan was unnerved by the robot's interruptions and said "it seems
that someone is controlling the robot. Please take care of this."
Arslan's remarks caused chuckles in the audience. Then, "Sanbot"'s
microphone was shut off and the robot was removed from the stage.
Subsequently, the robot was re-programmed.

Support for "Sanbot" from the pioneers: "You've come a
long way, baby!"
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