türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sabah Newspaper, 17 February 2018)
Mother-daughter cancer victims. At least, suffering is
over now.
In Kocaeli, Ecem Balcı (17), who has been missing for 42 days,
was killed by Süleyman Kara, the boyfriend of Ecem's mother
Esra Ercömert (41), who committed suicide by leaping onto
shoreline rocks on 14 January because she couldn't bear the
loss of her daughter.
Kara, a treasure hunter (!), lured Ecem to a forest with the
promise of giving her a crown he found during his excavations.
Both Ecem and her mother Esra were battling cancer. Gökhan
Balcı, Ecem's father and Esra's former husband, related that on
the day of her death Ecem had told her boyfriend that "Süleyman
found an historic crown. We're going to be rich!" Ecem then
went to meet Kara in the forest to get the crown he promised her.
Treasure Hunter Süleyman Kara
The resemblance is uncanny...
After murdering Ecem, Kara put the girl's SIM card in his own
phone and used it for two days. (!) Traffic video reflected Kara
driving to Ayvazpınar village, where the forest is located.
Faced with mounting evidence, Kara confessed to the murder.
His son Emin and Kara's siblings Yusuf, Kezban and Sultan
Kara were also taken into custody, along with Emin's friend

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