türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 6 January 2019)
They went to 43 Maple Tree Lane, instead of 41...
In Adana, Erken K., Bilal K. and Soner D. went to what they thought
was the home of Abdülmecit Cop., who owed them money, on 26
December in the Buruk neighborhood of Sarıçam district. By
mistake, the three entered the garden of the adjacent home of Ali
Özgören (43) and started shouting for their money. Özgören came
to the window and insisted that he didn't owe anybody anything.
Debt-free and now he'll live rent-free.
The shouting match continued until Özgören began firing at the
three, killing Erken K. and wounding the other two. Özgören and
his neighbor Cop, who witnessed the incident, fled but Cop was
caught by police soon afterwards and charged with aiding and
abetting a suspect. Police soon raided another address and arrested
accidental killer Özgören.
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