29 Ocak 2019 Salı

"Nazi Swastikas" Rug Upsets Lapsed Film Hero at Friday Prayers

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Sözcü Newspaper, 29 January 2019)

Bakanlık mescidindeki ‘Gamalı Halı’ isyan çıkardı
     I guess, if you look at it upside down and backwards,...

Metin Emin Eren, who portrayed the character "Şero Ağa" (Chief
Şero) in films, was engaged in Friday prayers in a mosque in the
Health Ministry building in Sıhhıye, in downtown Ankara, when he
noticed that the rug upon which he was praying had a motif that
resembled the Nazi swastika (!).

şero ağa ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Şero Ağa's career-reinvigoration campaign: "There's no such
thing as bad publicity".

Eren explained that "I put my overcoat over the rug so that I could
pray in peace.  The rug was full of Nazi swastikas!  I want to know
the name of the fellow who brought this rug into this mosque!"
Eren complained to the Minstry of Health and posted the response
he got on his social media account with the comment "they didn't
take me seriously!"  One of  Eren's  followers posted the following
comment: "the imam looks after his salaray, not the rugs, my chief."

 sıhhiye ankara haritası ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Secret Nazi HQS (Sağlık Bakanlığı/Health Ministry) in 
downtown Ankara at center-right, bottom of map.

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