türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 23 January 2019)
From China?! What would Jenghiz Khan say!
Sami Demir (58), who has an auto spare parts business in Van's Erciş
district, has had 5 marble statues of Ottoman sultans made in China at
a cost of $175,000. Each statue weighs 1 ton 200 kilograms (!) and
they were brought from China by sea, off-loaded at Antalya and
trucked to Erciş, where Demir has placed them in his garden.
Demir explained that "my late beloved father liked works like this
very much. He would say to me 'son, even if you have to go to China,
preserve our cultural heritage.' When I couldn't get the statues made
here, I had them made in China." Demir also has decorative historic
gravestones in his garden. When summer comes he plans to ready
the garden for visitors.

Erciş is at top-center.
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