türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 26 January 2019)
High-heel discrimination click here for recent TNT
reporting on this ongoing crisis.

Digging in her heels.
Nihal Eren (45) wanted to open a café in Denizli but the residents of
the building blocked her by imposing a "high-heels prohibition" (!).
Last November, Eren rented the entrance floor of the 6-story
apartment building on Mimar Sinan Avenue in the Merkezefendi
neighborhood, with the intention of opening the café. After spending
3,000 TL (about $750) on preparations, Eren opened the café on 18
November without having obtained a license.
However, residents in the flat above the café complained about the
noise of Eren's high-heel shoes and so the rest of the building's
residents decided to withhold permission for the café. On 3 January,
a lawyer for the owner of the floor Eren rented served her with a
complaint alleging her failure to pay rent and a security deposit.
Eren asserted that she had indeed paid the rent and depost and she
filed a counter-suit.
As the two suits proceed in court, Eren has decided to move her
café to another location and she left a note on the window of her
vacated café that reads: "I've moved to a place where the residents
and owners are of higher character and quality. Call this number
for the address."
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