türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 2 January 2019)
RogerJosephBoscovich click here for more on Boscovich.
German merchant and archeologist Heinrich Schliemann 'found' the
ancient site of Troy near Çanakkale, Turkey, in 1874. Yet, it turns out
that Croatian scholar Roger Joseph Boscovich had discovered the site
113 years earlier. Boscovich, who was born in Dubrovnik, was one of
Croatia's most famous scientists, involved in physics, mathematics,
philosophy, theology, archeology, history and diplomacy.
Oğuz Aydemir, the head of the Turkish Underwater Archeology
Foundation, learned that Boscovich went from Istanbul to Bozcaada,
an island in the northeast Aegean Sea, in 1761 and conducted research
in the western Aegean region of today's Turkey. Boscovich wrote a
related journal in 1784 entitled "Travel Log from Istanbul to Poland"
and had it translated into Ottoman Turkish.
Bozcaada is the island at left. "Troya" (Troy) is situated along
the E-87 highway.
In his journal, Boscovich disputed the view that ancient Troy had
been situated on the shore opposite Bozcaada and he walked across
barren fields until he came to the actual site of Troy. Aydemir
explained that "The Troy War occurred in 2,500 B.C. Boscovich
came to Anatolia to view the transit of Venus across the sun,
examined the ruins of Troy and rejected the then-popular opinion
that Troy's ruins were along the shore. He proved that they lay
further inland. We are very proud that our book about Boscovich
is now in libraries as part of Turkey's 2018 Year of Troy activities."
another Year of Troy activity click here to see one that didn't go
quite as planned.
Dr. Marijana Boric of the Croatian Science and Arts Academy
stated that "Boscovich was a diplomat who delved into a wide
range of scientific and archeological fields. He studied the theory
of opposing forces, the "Big Bang", the structure of material in
the microcosmos, as well as quantum and atomic theories. He
reached the conclusion that Troy had not been situated along the
shore, based on mathematical and astronomical calculations.
113 years later the German Schliemann confirmed this."
Turkey's Ambassador in Zagreb, Babür Hızlan, told Milliyet
that "Boscovich's journal provides important information about
Troy. He put forth the information related to its precise location
before the antique city was discovered."
With regard to Boscovich's journal, Dr. Reyhan Körpe of Çanakkale
On Sekiz Mart University stated that "it's the only report from
travelers who toured the region in the 16th-19th centuries that was
translated into Turkish. He found the ruins of Alexandria Troas and,
based on his writings, he saw many more ruins there 257 years ago
than remain today. Boscovich's journal sheds light on the cultural,
socio-economic and political structure of the region from that time.
One part of his journal that caught my attention was this one: 'We
found 4 small medals. On three of them there were Roman letters
and on the fourth there were letters from an Eastern language that
was not Turkish.'"

Alexandria Troas ancient city is located southeast of Tenedos
island (Bozcaada) on the Anatolian shore. Ancient Troy is
situated a bit to the northeast, below the Dardanelles Strait.
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