türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 18 January 2019)
Lots of 3-dog nights in the panel van.
Ömer Faruk Kırçın (45) worked for a marketing firm in Istanbul but
he quit his job, sold his house and bought a 2-acre plot of land in
Çağırgan village of Kocaeli's İzmit district, where he began living
in a container. Kırçın brought homeless cats and dogs to his land
and started taking care of them, getting scraps from butchers and
factories for the animals.
Smitten by a kitten.
However, Kırçın's neighbors took exception to the situation and
his container was seized by authorities. Undeterred, Kırçın began
to live in a panel van and continued to watch over his tens of cats
and dogs. He even drove to Istanbul on certain days of the week
to gather scraps from food producers there and brought them back
to feed the creatures on his plot of land. Explaining his situation,
Kırçın said "there's no problem in the summer but now the weather's
cold. So it's rather difficult to live in the panel van. But I can't
leave the animals."

Kocaeli/İzmit is in the center of the map, about 100 miles east
of Istanbul.
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