türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 10 January 2019)
//Ed. Note: on the heels of TNT's 3-part report about
Turkish migrants in the USA in 1911-1913, in today's
paper there are two reports about Turks in the USA
right now - a Turkish mayor elected and Muhammed
Ali's Michigan farm bought by TÜRGEV.//
Tayfun Selen emigrated to the USA 22 years ago from Turkey and he
has just been elected as the mayor of Chatham, New Jersey. He told
Hürriyet that "I graduated from Istanbul Technical University's
Architecture Faculty and came to the USA in 1996, without any money
and with insufficient English. I worked in a gas station for 8 months
and after that in an architecture firm at the lowest rung on the ladder
but I soon advanced. Next, I worked at Montclair State University
and one day I happened upon a conference where a Democratic
congressman was speaking. That's when I got the idea to get into
politics. As for Trump, I still haven't figured out whether he's
good or bad."
Selen's first step into politics was in 2003 when he was elected to
the Chatham planning commission. After getting American
citizenship, in 2013 he joined the Republican Party's local district
administration and became a city council member in 2017.
As for his rise to the mayor's office, Selen explained that "in the
system here, the council members are elected by the people and
then the council members select the mayor. I was elected with the
votes of 3 of the 5 council members. But it was quite a struggle,
like trying to get to the White House, the way people compete for
it. It was difficult for me to win them over because Chatham is a
very conservative place and they don't like immigrants. As a
Turk I had a tough time since some of them take it as an affront
for a 'foreigner' and a Turk to be their mayor. Christian Americans
think that way."

türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 10 January 2019)
Future Presidential retreat, sanctuary...?
The Turkish Youth and Service to Education Foundation (TÜRGEV)
has purchased the Michigan farm of boxing great Muhammad Ali,
who passed away in 2016. TÜRGEV paid $2.5 million for the
80-acre farm, according to a report in the Chicago Tribune.
Surprisingly, Erdoğan attended 'The Greatest''s funeral in
Kentucky in June 2016. TÜRGEV is run by Erdoğan's son Bilal.
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