9 Ocak 2019 Çarşamba

TNT Matchbox Diary: A Turkish POW in Russian Prison Camp (1915-1918)/Part IX

fuad tokad ile ilgili görsel sonucu
              A page from Fuad Bey's tiny matchbox diary.

//A lull in the fighting between Turkish and Russian troops
finds Fuat Bey marching north from Karaçoban toward his
regiment's HQS at Kepenek, where he will end 1915 and
enter 1916, with his most serious days as a fighting soldier
just around the corner.  In early January 1916, Fuad Bey
provides some personal information and recalls some of
the details about his time at Kepenek that he did not 
previously record in his diary. // 

The Enemy Attack Diminishes

2 September  1915
We’ve stayed on the northeastern flank of Kürte village all this time. 
For now the enemy’s attack  has died down. The enemy had been here 
and thinking they would remain here for the winter they had made 
some earthworks. I received two cream sweets from my father along
with three batteries for a pocket flashlight. But I’m having a terrible 
time with the food and I’ve made a complaint to Major Abdullah about 
this. It seems that the provisions I want will be given to me for a 
promissory note. Happily, I received letters from my friends Ismail and
Emin, along with letters and newspapers from my father.

3-15 September  1915 (no entries)

16 September  1915
We departed the northeastern flank of Kürte village toward evening, 
crossed the Hinis Stream and at midnight we reached the area of 
Gündüz village where we spent the night.

17 September  1915
We left here in the morning, passing by villages. In the evening we 
came to Bayrub but we didn’t stop, continuing on till midnight across 
very rocky terrain. It was really bad. At midnight we reached 

18 September  1915 (no entry)

19 September  1915
We remained in Elmaağaç. The water is very good. I joined up with 
Salih to eat. Major Şerif sent me 10 mecidiye (2 liras), some more 
money and an okka (2.8 lbs.) of sugar that my father had sent.

20 September  1915
We departed Elmaağaç toward morning. Passing Bayraktar and Kefri, 
we came to Çatalviran and settled into tents.

21 September-10 October  1915 (no entries)

We Settled Into Homes in Çatalviran Village

11 October  1915

Veterinarian Nafız, Müftü and Salih. Here I got some photographs 
of my father and my five siblings. My father  is again working on my
behalf. The school seems to be working against him.

12 October  1915
We departed Çatalviran in the morning. Passing Turnagöl and 
Güzeldere, we came to Simo Komu and settled in.

 karaçoban erzurum haritası ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Marching north from Karaçoban (blue circle), Fuad Bey 
eventually reached Kepenek village, about 30 kilometers 
directly south of Horasan, but north of Karayazı.

13 October  1915 (no entry)

14 October  1915
We remained at Simo Komu. The snow and rain began to fall.

15 October  1915
At mid-day, we left Simo Komu and reached Kepenek where the 
regimental headquarters had been set up. We settled in.

16 October 11  January  1915 (no entries)

sarıkamış savaş sahneleri 1915 ile ilgili görsel sonucu

12 January  1916

We’ve been at Kepenek all this time. I worked together with
 Aide-de-Camp Salih on issues concerning food but I became very
 angry at his rudeness and I wanted to quit. Veterinarian Nafız was 
very helpful and this time I stayed with him. We found a small room
 in a roof house and we lived there together. We became quite good
friends in this miserable situation. Salih can’t stand this and now and
 then he sulks. One day I complained and the regimental commander
 scolded him. 

While we’ve been here I took leave and went to Hasankale (probably
 12 October Rumi). We entered the town that day and stayed in 
Sergeant Sabri’s two-story house. We bought a few things and toured
 the next day, buying some more items. The next day we went to the 
hot spring at Hasankale. The water was nice but the bath was filthy, 
no one was taking care of it. Inside everything was dirty. In any event,
 we came back that day and got caught in heavy rain as we reached 
Köprü village at night. With difficulty we came to Arzi toward dawn
 and in the morning I went straight to headquarters. At holiday time 
I took leave again with the veterinarian and we went to Arzi. I was 
introduced to Chief Veterinarian Ömer Lütfi and Postal Division 28 
official Hazım. We had a nice meal. 

Our life at Kepenek went well and I met a lot of other officers like
 Artilleryman Nurettin, Rıfkı, Doctor Nuri and others. Toward
the end, we got together in the room with the doctors and Nurettin
 most nights and had some good meals. Very nice. But Salih would
 get very angry with me because I was talking with these other 
fellows. I got a number of letters and money from my father.  Later
 he sent me my ankle boots and galoshes, along with chocolate
and sugar. He recently wrote that he had also sent 25 mecidiye 
(5 liras), a rubber knife for the veterinarian, a notebook and an 
undershirt but I never received them. I only got two flannel  

Upon the recommendation of the veterinarian here I wrote a 
proposal to my father about entering medical school and he agreed.
My father said that I should just look after myself and he would 
take care of the registration and acceptance at the school, which 
made me very happy. I then applied to the head of the Bursa school 
with both official and personal letters, my goal being to have him 
give me a certificate showing that I had completed my high
school education. A month later I received a reply to the official 
letter saying that the certificate was obtained from the War Academy.
But there was no reply to my personal letter. He just put a certificate
in the envelope with the letter and sent it.  I was glad about this and 
right away I sent it by registered mail. I also wrote a long letter to my
brother about my trip from Istanbul to Erzurum. In particular, the
Istanbul-Sivas part. My father had my brother Ekrem registered for 
free to the first class of Galatasaray at Yüksek Kaldırım street in 
Istanbul, which made me very happy. His number is 0529. Now my
mother and father are alone…

During these past three months there has been a calm between us 
and the enemy. Other than some skirmishes during reconnaissance 
partrols across from us, there have not been any incidents.

siege of erzurum 1916 ile ilgili görsel sonucu
                      Erzurum in the winter of 1915-1916.

//END of PART IX//

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