türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 8 January 2019)

Although, 'Nazlı'seems to have that "on second thought" look
on her face.
In Konya, 5 puppies were put in a sack and thrown into an empty lot.
An electrical worker from Istanbul heard sounds coming from the
sack and peaked in to see the puppies, which were then brought to
the Mevlana Nature and Animal-lovers Association. Motherless,
the puppies needed a nurse so they were given to 'Nazlı', who already
has 6 puppies of her own.
Nevertheless, Nazlı has stepped up to the additional mothering
challenge. Association official Dilek Genç explained that "the two-
day old puppies, whose umbilical cords hadn't even been cut off,
were put in the sack and left to die. Fortunately, Nazlı was eager
to nurse them, unlike the people who left them to die. But Nazlı
already has 6 other pups so they all make a lot of noise. We're
hoping to find a home for them soon."

türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 8 January 2019)
Gatwick Airport may be interested in Zorba...
A Kangal-breed dog named 'Zorba' at the Meraküm Kangal Training
and Breeding Center in Sivas, tried to attack a drone that was
hovering above him taking pictures. Known as the 'Anatolian Lion'
and the 'Anatolian Snow Leopard', the Kangal dogs are famed for
their protective instincts.
At the Meraküm center, which is 10 kilometers from Sivas city and
is run by Hüseyin Yıldız, the 2.5-year-old Zorba spotted and tried to
chase away a drone hovering above him. Yıldız noted that "Kangal
dogs have a reflex against anything they perceive as a threat."
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