(Hurriyet Newspaper, 4 March 2015)

His passion for 'honk' is poison for Kaim Saduev.
Kaim Saduev (47) and his four brothers fought against the
Russians in Chechen units. While his brothers remained
in Chechnya, he came to Turkey 11 years ago with his
family and his brothers' wives. His brothers lost their lives
in battle.
Saduev worked as a trader in Basaksehir, Istanbul, and asked
his sister in Chechnya to send him some wild garlic, called
'honk', that grows in the Caucasus Mountains. His sister sent
the 'honk' by cargo and it reached Saduev on 23 February.
Allegedly, as soon as Saduev opened the package his blood
pressure dropped.
That evening, Saduev's wife Zeynep cooked the garlic but
he and Zeynep and their 8 year-old son Halit Hacimurat
became ill after eating dinner. All three were taken to Dr.
Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital in Bakirkoy,
where they were diagnosed with food poisoning.
The family was put in the intensive care unit and a few
hours later Saduev lost consciousness. After 7 days in
the hospital, he passed away on 2 March. Both his wife
and son recovered.
Saduev's family accused the Russian intelligence service
of putting poison in the 'honk': "Just like former KGB
agent Aleksandr Litvinenko, Kaim Saduev was poisoned.
The Russian service is one of the experts in using poison.
Russia also poisoned the Yemeni commander Yasir, who
fought for many years against the occupation in Chechnya."
The Bakirkoy Public Prosecutor's office has opened an
inquiryinto the poisoning and a report is expected from
the Forensic Medicine Council.
Chechnya in red on the right side.
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