(Milliyet Newspaper, 22 January 2017)
At least barking dogs can't get to the meter reader henceforth.
In Atabağı village of Baykan district in Siirt province, the
Dicle Electricity Distribution Company (DEDAŞ) has placed
the meters for its customers on top of its 8-meter high utility
poles in order to prevent the illegal theft of electricity.
Customers like Veysel Can are not pleased. Can complained that
"when the circuit breakers go we'll be without electricity. There
are some dialysis patients in the village and they can't live without
electricity. Don't we have a right as citizens to see our own meters?"
Mayor Muammer Canpolat declared that "this ruins the look of
our town. They should put them underground."
As for DEDAŞ officials, they stated that this measure has been
taken to prevent the theft of electricity and has already been
implemented in hundreds of villages.

Baykan district is in NW Siirt province.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 January 2017)
F.T. (without make-up) and the point of impact.
This incredible incident occurred in Köyceğiz district of Muğla
province. F.T. (35), who works in the Köyceğiz National Education
Directorate, got divorced 4 months ago. Her ex-husband, though,
sued for custody of their daughter and won.
In a rage (!) over the court's decision, F.T. jumped from her second
floor balcony with her daughter in her arms. Subsequently, F.T. was
discharged from the hospital and taken into custody. The little girl
is still undergoing treatment at the hospital.

Köyceğiz district is in central Muğla province.
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