(Sözcü Newspaper, 3 January 2017)
cübbeli ahmet a previous TNT report on his wisdom.

What a bully! Picking on chess players. Come on!
Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü, also known as 'Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca'
(Ahmet Hoja in imam robes), has authored yet another scandal
with his pronouncements. Claiming the chess players (!) are the
worst liars in the world, Ünlü declared "a curse on chess players!"
On his program, Ünlü read from hadis (words or action attributed
to the Prophet Muhammed) and said "chess is worse than backgammon
and gambling. It's better to light a fire than to play chess. The person
who plays chess is the worst liar in the world. When they die they
may not be forgiven. May chess players be cursed! Anyone who
looks at chess might as well be eating pork. Rather than play chess,
sing God's praises."
As for New Years celebrations, Ünlü tweeted "Why would I
celebrate the infidels' holiday? Don't we have any holidays of
our own? What about Mevlid (Muhammed's birthday)? What
about Mirac (Muhammed's miraculous trip to heaven)? Why
should we always try to be like them? If you celebrate the holidays
of the unbelievers God will have the infidels attack you."
Interestingly, in 2013 while he was Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan distributed chess sets to citizens who came to a meeting
in Kırklareli.

In Kırklareli, before the curse took effect.
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