(Hürriyet Newspaper, 24 January 2017)
Dr. H.T. in a reflective moment...
A string of incidents in Bursa have made for an interesting lawsuit.
H.T., a pediatrician well-known in the city, sent his computer to a
repair company in 2010. The technician who worked on the computer,
G.M., noticed some 'inappropriate' images on the computer of the
doctor having sexual relations with various women in his office at
the hospital he worked at.
G.M. made copies of the doctor's video escapades and saved them
to his own hard disk. Shortly afterwards the repaired computer was
returned to H.T. But two years later G.M., by this time having left
the original firm, and two friends blackmailed the doctor, proposing
to return the hard disk to H.T. for money.
H.T., though, filed a complaint with the public prosecutor and G.M.
and his two friends were arrested in 2012. The Bursa court ruled in
2013 that the three suspects had purloined the doctor's images
illegally. Upon appeal, a higher court ruled that the doctor's
images were from his private life and that the suspects were guilty
of blackmail.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 24 January 2017)
Hamide hanım paid high price for son's mistaken identity.
The incredible incident occurred in Kepez, Antalya. Two plainclothes
policemen raided the home of Hamide Yücel (65) the day before
yesterday. One of the policemen drew his gun and wanted to take
Ali Yücel (28), who was sitting at the house entrance with his friends,
into custody.
Hearing the commotion, Hamide hanım, the mother of 6, came out
of her house. When she heard that the police had come to arrest her
son on a murder charge, Hamide hanım collapsed. While one of the
policemen called for an ambulance, the other looked at a picture of
the wanted suspect and realized it was not Ali they were looking for.
Ali Yücel arrested instead of ...
...the real killer.
Ali then began to massage his mother's heart in an effort to revive
her, but to no avail. By the time the ambulance arrived Hamide
hanım was dead. Ali, who has a computer parts store, had invited
friends to breakfast and he explained that "we were sitting at the
entrance when a man with a gun came up to me. Without letting
me say anything he threw me on the couch. Just then, my mom
came out but the police said 'Stand back auntie. Your son is wanted
for murder.' Then they pushed my mother onto the couch."
As Ali prepared to file a complaint against the policemen, police
officials began an inquiry into the incident.

Antalya province
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