(Sözcü Newspaper, 24 January 2017)
FETÖ expecting a percentage of the take.
The remarkable incident occurred in Sultanbeyli, Istanbul, at a
jewelry store there. Thieves entered a bank that had been closed
down because of its ties to FETÖ (Fethullah Gülen Terror
Organization). Because the bank's camera system was no longer
in use, the robbers were able to drill through the bank's wall to
an adjacent jewelry store unimpeded and unobserved.
Once in the jewelry store, the thieves took 7 kilograms of gold
worth 900,000 TL (about 250,000 USD). The next day, store
owner Mehmet Usun realized what had happened and called
the police, who are now pursuing the robbers.

Sultanbeyli district of Istanbul
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 26 January 2017)

Shaking her head rapidly, Hülya hanım foiled the photographer.
In the aftermath of the 15 July coup attempt, investigations were
begun to examine people working in government offices who
might have ties to FETÖ. In the course of one such probe in Konya
investigators determined that Hülya Ö., a teacher for 20 years and
a deputy principal for one year, did not have a university diploma.
Administrative and judicial investigations into Hülya hanım's past
were initiated and an effort is underway to make her pay back 20 years
of salary (!). She began her 'career' in Nevşehir in 1996 and, after
teaching in various provinces, was assigned to Konya in 2004. For
the past year, Hülya hanım has been the deputy principal at the
Adil Karaağaç Professional and Technical Anatolia High School in
Selçuklu district.
According to one of Hülya hanım's former students, "Hülya Hoca's
classes were a breeze. She didn't like to explain the lessons. In fact
we never saw her explain a lesson. Whenever we would ask
questions she'd tell us to look in the book. Her tests were real easy,
too. Noboby ever got left back or even got a bad grade from her."
Fethullah Gülen, still at large, spotted recently is Saylorsburg PA.
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