türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 11 June 2017)

Çakıcı and minions, wearing their cuff jewelry.
Crime boss Alaattin Çakıcı, who had been in prison in Edirne, was
moved to the Bolu F-type prison on 15 July 2016 because of health
reasons. In March 2017, Çakıcı underwent a hernia operation at Baysal
State Hospital's Köroğlu Unit in Bolu city, after which it was decided
he would be transferred to the F-type prison in Keskin district of
Kırıkkale province.
Getting wind of this transfer, nine of Çakıcı's men in Istanbul and
Kocaeli came to Bolu in 4 luxury cars on 6 June and planned to ambush
the vehicle taking Çakıcı to Kırıkkale along the Bolu-Ankara road.
The group layed in wait all day but in vain. After they gave up and went
away, though, Çakıcı was transferred during the midnight hours of 6
Two of Çakıcı's men, Y.E.U. and Ö.T., shot someone in Bolu (for fun?)
before all of them decided to move on to Ankara. Police, however,
learned of their movements and took D.A., A.G., Ö.T., Y.Ç. and Y.E.U.
into custody at a café in the Çukurambar section of Ankara. Video
images of the police take-down showed that the surprised suspects
tried to draw their guns but were quickly subdued. The remaining
four of Çakıcı's men, E.K., G.B., A.Ç. and V.K., were nabbed at a
hotel in Çankaya and in a car in Kızılay.
A search of the suspects yielded 8 unlicensed guns, more than 100
bullets, 3,000 TL, and letters and photos that Çakıcı had sent them
from prison. It turned out that Y.E.U. was recently released from
prison, that Ö.T. and Y.Ç. were being sought for murder and that
all the other suspects had long criminal records.
During his time in prison, Çakıcı threatened many political leaders,
including President Erdoğan, with death. Police are now trying to
determine whether Çakıcı's men planned attacks on politicians while
they were in Ankara.

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