türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 23 June 2017)
In Erzurum, Ömer Murat Akçay got bored at home so he fired his
pellet gun into the street and hit Sümmeyye B. (4) and İkra K. (6), who
were playing there. After being taken into custody Akçay explained
that "I was bored at home so I thought I'd fire my gun for fun."
On 19 June, while waiting for 'iftar' (time when the day's Ramazan
fast breaks), the bored Akçay fired his gun out the window at a bottle
on the street. He missed the bottle and hit the little girls instead. Both
girls were taken to a hospital for treatment. Akçay was released on
judicial supervision.
Erzurum province
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 23 June 2017)

Adem Akkoç (30), who was accused of giving narcotics to a young
girl found passed out in Tarlabaşı, Beyoğlu, Istanbul, the day before
yesterday, sports a 'enayi' (idiot) tatoo on his forehead. As for the
charges against him, Akkoç, who said that he is a graduate of
Selçuk University's Fashion Design Teaching program, denied them,
saying "I'm not a drug seller, I'm a fashion designer."

Tarlabaşı neigborhood (A) of Beyoğlu, Istanbul
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