türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 13 June 2017)
The light-weight gyros are made of textiles, no doubt.
Malatya Provincial Gendarmerie teams determined that a person involved
in a murder case there was a member of an Istanbul-based cigarette
smuggling gang. The investigation was picked up by the Istanbul
Gendarmerie, which learned that the "Erşahinler" criminal gang in the
Florya section of Bakırköy would try to smuggle cigarettes into Turkey,
as they did in 2016 when the "Alize" ship was seized carrying 3 million
packs of cigarettes.
It was determined that a Ukrainian named İ. G. was planning to bring
contraband cigarettes from Ukraine to the off-shore waters of the Black
Sea and then have luxury yachts transfer the cigarettes to the Turkish
shore. In response to this intelligence, police mounted raids on a
warehouse, a boat, two luxury yachts and the ship "River Ereğli".

New class of 'cigarette boats'.
During the investigation, the Gendarmerie learned from physical
surveillance that the crime gang members used luxury vehicles and that
a person named F.L. had smuggled luxury vehicles worth 20 million TL
(about $5 million) brought into Turkey by means of one H.G. Customs
and Gendarmerie teams then seized two Gyrocopters (two-person
helicopters) that the gang had imported into Turkey under the declaration
"textiles". (!)
In the scope of the investigation, 64 suspects were taken into custody, 21
luxury cars worth 20 million TL were seized and 13 people were sent to
prison. It was learned that Fenerbahçe football player Ozan Tufan and
Beşiktaş Technical Director Tayfur Havutçu had purchased cars from the
gang but had given the cars back.
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