türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 21 June 2017)
An internet 'ouch!'
In Şarköy district of Tekirdağ province, a group of 7-to-10 year-old
children filled a plastic container with acetone and 'çatapat' (caps),
following directions they found on the internet, in order to scare
their friends. The children then threw a match into the container
creating a ball of fire.
One child, Arda G., was seriously burned on his face and body. He
was taken, in succession, to Şarköy State Hospital, Çorlu State Hospital
and finally to a hospital with a burn unit in Istanbul. Arda's father had
this to say about the incident: "the kids watched a video on the internet
at our summer house about how to make a bomb and they went ahead
and tried to do it. Arda has a burn on his cornea and he's under treatment.
I'm going to start a legal campaign to have such videos banned from the
internet. Parents have to check on what their kids are watching on the

Şarköy is on the Sea of Marmara coast, lower left.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 21 June 2017)

This part wasn't included on the internet.
A minibus driven by R.A. (13!) ran over 3 year-old Elif Dursun and
Efe Yağız Tepe (9) in Sancaktepe, Istanbul, on 8 June. Both of the
children died. In his statement to police suspect R.A. explained that
"my big brother was sitting next to me while I was driving. After about
50 meters we slid and I felt like I'd hit something. When we looked
up we saw that we had crashed into a building. I never thought such
a thing could happen. I watched my father drive and I saw on the
internet (!) how to drive a car. "
The public prosecutor charged R.A. with killing two people by
negligence and asked for a jail sentence of between 1 year four months
and 11 years 3 months. Because of his age, R.A. cannot be sentenced
to more than 7 years in jail.
Sancaktepe district of Istanbul
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