(HaberTürk Newspaper, 12 April 2018)
Hitchhiking's always a crap shoot.
Three days ago, Selver Sakartepe (21), a second-year student at
Kütahya Dumlupınar University studying foreign trade, left Gemlik
in Bursa province to go to Olympos in Antalya with 5 friends. The
group hitchhiked all the way to Olympos and camped for 2 days.
In order to hitchhike back to Bursa, the friends split up into two
groups of three. Sakartepe, along with friends Emirhan Turhan (23)
and Kerem Han Akbulak (20), flagged down Murat Karaağaç, who
was taking vegetables to Ankara in his truck, from nearby Demre.
However, soon after, Karaağaç lost control of his vehicle and it
rolled over into a marsh.
Felt it was time for a change. Fate thought otherwise.
Sakartepe died at the scene, while driver Karaağaç and the other
two hitchhikers were taken to Finike State Hospital for treatment.
Sakartepe's older sister Gamze Sakartepe filed a complaint against
Karaağaç and the two friends. According to Gamze Sakartepe,
Selver had begun using the name 'Uras Gediz' and planned to have
a sex-change operation. In fact, Selver had undergone
psychological testing last year in preparation for the operation.
Selver's decision had caused dissent within her family.

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