türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 8 April 2018)
Çiçekdemir and his 'cart-before-the-horse" list.
İbrahim Çiçekdemir, the National Education Director for Acıpayam
district in Denizli province, sent a list to all school principals in his
district via WhatsApp on 29 March. The list contained the names of
the directors and assistant directors who would be appointed to the
district schools. However, interviews for candidates for those positions
began on 5 April. In other words, the list of selectees was promulgated
before the selection process had even begun. (!)
According to the selection program, after the interviews and tests for
candidates, the scores are announced and selections are made subsequently
in July. Provincial National Education Director Mahmut Oğuz stated that
"it's not clear who prepared the list and sent it out." Teachers Union
chief Namık Kemal Aydoğan characterized the list as a "preferential
treatment list" and he added that "it's theft of the rights of deserving
people. A stab in the back to hundreds of teachers who work hard and
play by the rules. We've filed the necessary objection. If this list takes
effect or even comes close to it, we'll file a criminal complaint."

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