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(HaberTürk Newspaper, 22 April 2018
Yusuf Işık, after and before.
In Sarıyer, Istanbul, the story behind the discovery of a burned
body is that of an incredible tale of matrimonial fraud. When
it turned out that the body was that of Yusuf Işık, who duped
tens of men into bogus marriages with Syrian women, the story
became even more bizarre.
The day before yesterday, citizens saw the saw a burned body
of a male in a forested area of Kılıçpınar Avenue in Sarıyer's
Kocataş village. Police found some unburned documents at
the scene that helped identify the victim as Işık (50), a native of
Kars province who has a record of involvement in fraud.
It is claimed that Işık, who lived in Reyhanlı district of Hatay
province on the border with Syria, found Syrian women willing
to marry Turks. The men who went to Hatay to meet the women
signed an agreement with Işık and gave him a payment. A
marriage ceremony was inevitably followed by the bride
absconding with the wedding gold.
Blinded by love.
One of Işık's victims, Sinan Polat, explained on a TV show
that "I went with a friend to Reyhanlı to meet with Işık. He
introduced me to a pretty 21-year-old Syrian girl who spoke
good Turkish. I paid Işık 10,000 TL (about $2,500) as a
"bride price". We watched a TV show that claimed that Işık
was a fraud and laughed about it. I brought the girl to my
hometown and 2 days later she said to me 'I have to sign
some papers, otherwise they'll put me in jail.' I brought her
to Reyhanlı and someone claiming to be her uncle came
and they left together but never returned. The gold was
gone and my 30,000 TL."

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