türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 17 April 2018)
Dad evidently wouldn't share the pipe with his boys.
In Torbalı district of Izmir province the day before yesterday, two
farm workers found a body inside a burned-out car on a mountain
road. Police identified the body as that of businessman Murat Ö.
and set out to solve the murder. In this regard, the victim's family
was investigated and police determined from MOBESE (street
surveillance camera system) video that late on the night of the
murder Murat Ö.'s car and another one left from in front of his
home at the same time.
Police soon took Murat Ö.'s wife Öznur Ö. and his sons
Batuhan and Hadi into custody. They all confessed to the murder,
explaining that on the night of the incident they drugged Murat Ö.'s
drink so he would pass out and then injected him with a needle to
ensure he would not wake up (!). The three suspects wrapped their
victim in a blanket, put him in the car and drove it to the secluded
road, where they set the car on fire. The reason for the murder,
though, is as yet unknown.

türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 17 April 2018)

If only he'd given up smoking when Meryem asked
him to...
The incident occurred in Konya yesterday. Cevdet Ö. (31), the
father of two children, beat his wife Meryem (26) because she
wouldn't get cigarettes for him. Afterwards, Cevdet Ö. went
to see his father Cesim Ö. and, meanwhile, Meryem hanım told
her brothers Murhammed, Şahin and Fatih about the incident.
The brothers went to Cesim Ö.'s house and fired a hunting rifle
in the air, prompting Cesim Ö., Cevdet Ö. and brother Harun Ö.
to come out of the house and attack the 3 brothers with knives,
killing Fatih Sağlasan and putting the two others in the hospital.
The Ö. family members were caught and put in jail.

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