türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 7 April 2018)

"Hang in there (literally) "Çukur", we're comin' to get ya!"
In a field in Fevzi Çakmak village of Burdur the evening before last,
Ahmet Potak (57) was walking his dog when he heard the sound of
of yelping puppy coming from a drilling well. Potak alerted the fire
department and AFAD (search & rescue) personnel, who quickly
arrived at the scene.
At 20:30 the rescuers began to drill a well next the one where the
puppy was stuck, 9 meters below ground level. A thermal camera
was lowered into the new well, along with an apparatus to grab the
puppy but as night fell the rescuers took a break and resumed their
efforts at 9 o'clock the next morning.
Mom tried but couldn't get mad at her curious pup.
The teams determined that the puppy was stuck face-down in the
30-centimeter wide well. Finally, at 1400 the puppy was snagged
and pulled to the surface, where its mother and her four other cubs
were waiting for "Çukur" (hole), as the puppy was named. After
being nursed and licked by its mother for a while, "Çukur" was
taken to the Burdur Municipality Animal Care Center for further
treatment. Firefighters promised to look after the puppy henceforth.

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