türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 26 January 2018)
Maybe it was all just their diabolical escape plan...
In Kars, livestock fatteners have been hoodwinked to the tune of 43 million
TL (about $11 million) (!). An individual named Ali K., using the identity
of someone who died years ago, won the confidence of the fatteners by
telling them that he had come to Kars on behalf of the "Young Farmers
Project" of the Agriculture and Village Affairs Ministry.
Ali K. gave hundreds of fatteners vouchers in exchange for 17,000
animals that were then transported to Şanlıurfa and Diyarbakır in 500
TIRs (tractor-trailers). When the vouchers turned out to be worthless,
the fatteners understood that they had been defrauded. Estimating their
losses at 43 million TL, the fatteners file a complaint against Ali K.
Fatteners on a forced diet henceforth.
The village chief of Kalecik village in Susuz district, Karabey Mintemur,
lamented that "we were glad that our property was being sold for a good
price. We were heartened that this was being done on behalf of our
Agriculture Ministry and that our money would not be lost."

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