türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 12 January 2018)
"This cage can't hold Super-Thief!"
The incident in question occurred in the stable belonging to brothers
Mustafa and İmdat Alkan in Göçbağlar village in İspir district of Erzurum
province. Four suspects stole animals from the stable, put them in a
minibus and fled. In short order, the Gendarmerie captured the suspects.
However, one of the suspects, Olcay A. (27), bent the iron bars in the jail
and escaped (!) - this was reflected on video. As security forces searched
high and low for Olcay A., he spent the night in a shack and hitchhiked
to his father-in-law's house the next day. Finding out about Olcay A.'s
location, the Gendarmerie raided the house the day before yesterday and
found Olcay A. hiding behind a refrigerator. The other 3 suspects were
arrested, as well.

İspir district is in NW Erzurum province.
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