türkçe links to original Turkish article
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 30 January 2018)

Well, certainly too old to be a flower girl at a wedding.
In Mardin, on 27 January authorities learned that a 14-year-old girl
would be married to someone 10 years her senior in Kızıltepe district.
Family and Social Policy Minister Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya and
officials in the Mardin governor's office and police force were
informed, as well. The number from where the tip came was
identified as a hairdresser shop but when called, the answering
party said that no such tip had been sent to authorities.
It turned out that the informant was the young girl's aunt and
that the number was that of the hairdresser who was preparing
the girl for the wedding. Authorities went into action and determined
where the weddingwould be held in Kızıltepe that night at 2200 hours.
In order to avoid a scene at the wedding hall, authorities rescued the
girl when she and her 'husband' reached home after the wedding.
Why isn't everyone dancing??
The families first asserted that the girl, D.K., was not underage but
would not show her ID card. D.K. had come to Kızıltepe 10 years
ago with her family from Suriye and became a Turkish citizen.
However, D.K. does not know Turkish and speaks only Kurdish.
She is also illiterate. D.K. told authorities she is 14-years-old.
Local Mardin authorities, lead by Family and Social Policy Provincial
Director Hüsnü Bengin Efetürk, worked through the night to rescue
D.K. and kept Minister Kaya informed. D.K. was taken under state
protection and her 'husband' and family were released but an
investigationhas been started. Director Efetürk said that "Thank God
we've put the girl under state care. When we first saw the girl she
was in shock but she's fine now and hopefully she'll be even better

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