türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 10 January 2018)

Police employed the tactical "TIR pincer movement".
Yesterday in Antalya's Manavgat district, driver Sevban Enes K. was
disturbing the peace by playing his radio loud and having his exhaust
make loud noises. The driver failed to heed a police order to stop
and led them on a 4-5 kilometer chase.
Sevban Enes K. tells new friends he was just trying to make
a left.
Ultimately, police found a way to stop Sevan Enes K. - they made
an announcement on the road, asking a TIR (tractor-trailer) driver
to pull his vehicle to the left in order to squish the fleeing Sevan
Enes K. against the median strip. The maneuver was successful
and Sevan Enes K. was taken into custody. It turned out that he
didn't have a driver's license and the car, owned by someone else,
was not up-to-date inspection-wise. Sevban Enes K. was fined
4,830 TL (about $1,300).

Manavgat district is east of Antalya city.
//ed. note: internet version unavailable.//
(HaberTürk Newspaper, 10 January 2018)
Next time, instead of dynamite...
In Sakarya's Kocaali district, illegal treasure hunters Gökhan Ç.,
Onur A., Muhammet T. and Cemalettin C. began digging in
Karalar village, which has been vacated to make way for a dam
being constructed there. In order to dispose of a very big rock
that was in their way, the cohorts used dynamite but the resulting
explosion pinned 3 of the 4 under the displaced rock.
Emergency services were called and Onur A. and Gökhan Ç.
were taken to Sakarya University Training and Research Hospital.
It came to light that Cemalettin C., Gökhan Ç. and Muhammet T.
are all employed as "zabita" by the nearby Düzce municipality.
//ed. note: "zabıta": a municipal police force charged with seeing
that various laws and ordinances are observed, especially those
dealing with prices, fair marketing, building construction and
sanitation. (!)//
Sakarya's Kocaali district is in the NE, along the Black Sea coast.
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