türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 18 January 2018)

Original banner on top and Özen's photoshopped version below.
Necmi Özen, the senior legal advisor for the Kocaeli municipality, has
put a scandalous posting on social media. Özen photoshopped a
banner carried by CHP (opposition party) women that read "Hurray
for Women!" into "Freedom for Women! We Make Love with Impurity
and Run Around! What's it to you Tayyip (Erdoğan)? Long Live

Özen caught leafing through the Photoshop how-to manual.
Özen, who was an AKP (ruling party) candidate for Parliament in
2011, received the firmest rebuke from CHP Kocaeli Parliamentarian
Fatma Kaplan Hürriyet: "The name for this is perversion, vileness
and dishonor. Don't you have a wife, a mother, a sister? Fix this
despicable thing immediately! As I read it I was embarrassed but
the likes of Necmi Özen aren't ashamed to post such a thing. Let
alone work in the Kocaeli Municipality, he has no right to mix
with decent people. I call on Mayor İbrahim Karaosmanoğlu,
asking him, too, don't you have a wife, a mother, a sister? Take
care of this despicable act right away!"

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