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(HaberTürk Newspaper, 16 January 2018)
Three's a crowd.
In Bodrum district of Muğla province, famous beach club manager Ali
Özdemir, missing for 9 days, has been found dead, the victim of a love
triangle involving his former partner and the partner's wife.
Özdemir (46) ran the Gumsal Beach Club in Bitez quarter and had a
string of bakeries, as well. On 6 January, Özdemir mysteriously went
missing but on 12 January his former partner Mustafa Ö. tried to kill
himself by drinking pesticide, prompting police to investigate the
possibility of a homicide. Mustafa Ö turned himself into police
yesterday morning and confessed to the murder.
Ali Bey saw some more fireworks the following morning.
Mustafa Ö. took police to Pedasa Mountain where he showed them
Özdemir's body, covered with pine tree branches. Özdemir had been
shot in the head, back and chest. Mustafa Ö. told police that he threw
the murder weapon into the water in Bitez and police divers are now
searching for it. Mustafa Ö.'s wife Tuğba Ö. (!) and his father-in-law
Avni S. were taken into custody in nearby Köyceğiz for helping
Mustafa Ö. after the murder. Another 4 individuals gave statements
to police, as well.
In his own statement, Mustafa Ö. explained to police that the morning
after a birthday party at his house he took Özdemir for a walk in the
woods and shot him to death there. Continuing, Mustafa Ö. stated
that "I had rumors about my wife and Ali but I didn't believe them.
I trusted them both. But when I saw them in the same bed I was
shocked and I couldn't bear it. The thought of having been betrayed
gnawed at me and I committed the murder."
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