türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 4 January 2018)
Well, they say a girl can't resist a man in uniform...
Last summer a 23-year-old woman in Erzurum called police and said
that her uncle, İmam A.I., had raped her. The woman explained that
"my uncle raped me and made me pregnant. He threatened me so I
didn't tell anyone that he'd raped me. On 9 May 2017 I gave birth to
his baby in another city and left the child at an orphanage. After he
raped me, my uncle said 'I'll kill you if you tell anyone what happened.
In any case, I'm an imam so they won't believe you.'"
When the young woman alerted police, A.İ. resigned from his imam
duties and disappeared. However, on 11 August he was captured in
Elazığ and jailed. A DNA test proved that A.I. is the father of his
niece's child. The case is now in court and A.I., the married father of
two children, provided this shameful defense:
"I don't accept the rape charge. My niece and I have had a romantic
relationship since 2014. She is forever touching me and sending me
messages to excite me. A few times we had relations willingly. In
fact, my mother and older sister were in the room once when we made
love (!). When I learned she was pregnant I told her to get an
abortion but she said that her pregnancy was past three months so an
abortion was forbidden. I said I knew someone in Kars who could
do the job and I met with my niece to have the abortion but she
refused. Two people who were going to help me, instead began to
threaten me and ask me for money."
However, the young woman's lawyer, Ahmet Haluk Terzioğlu, told
the court that "the suspect's defense in full of fantasy. For them to
have sex in a village, with family members in the same room, defies
logic. When the accused was posted in Pülümür district of Tunceli
province he sexually harassed the 'müezzin' (prayer caller)'s wife so
he was bundled off to Malazgirt district in Muş province. I request
that the suspect's previous behavior be taken into consideration."

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