türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 5 January 2018)

All he wanted was a romantic orange grove picnic with
recalcitrant fiancé...
The savagery occurred in Çiçekli village in Adana's Sarıçam district the
day before yesterday. Early in the morning, farm workers found a lifeless
body in a pool of blood on the roadside and called police. Arriving at
the scene, police found that taxi driver Yaşar Ozgan (60) had had his
throat slashed and had been stabbed 15 times. 50 meters away in a orange
grove, police found a bloody backpack and set out to find the killer.
Using helicopters, drones and sniffer dogs, police nabbed the suspect in
the orange grove, along with the murder weapon. He was identified as
security guard (!) Fuat Demirdelen, whose actual intended victim was his
fiancé Nurten A. and her family. Demirdelen said that he argued with
Nadir A., the manager of the apartment where Demirdelen worked for
2 years, over a late deposit of his health insurance money. Enraged,
Demirdelen came up with the following plan:
He had prepared a nice picnic blanket for the orange grove, too.
"I planned to kidnap my fiancé Nurten A. In the morning, because of
the argument with the manager I poured gas on his car and wanted to set
it on fire but some other cars were damaged instead. So I took the
manager's car to go to Nurten A.'s house but had an accident, so I fled."
Demirdelen admitted that if Nurten A. did not accept his proposal he
was going to kill her and her family, using the array of weapons in his
Continuing, Demirdelen explained that "I got into a taxi. In the 4th
taxi I rode in, driven by Yaşar Özgan, I said to him 'let's get some
breakfast together.' I wanted his telephone and vehicle. We argued
and I slit his throat."
Sarıçam district is one of Adana city's five districts.
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 5 January 2018)
With friends like these...love hurts.
In Ankara, Engin T. introduced his fellow-worker at a cleaning firm,
and long-time friend N.G., to a woman. Engin T., who was setting
up N.G. (!), told N.G. that the woman had divorced her husband
but he set up a camera in the house where N.G. and the woman had
sex. Then, Engin T. told N.G. that "the woman is still married! If
her husband finds out we're finished. She wants money from us and
she has video of you two together."
When it was learned that Engin T.'s partner in crime Hatun B. had
arranged for the woman to get together with N.G., the woman
disappeared after her tryst with N.G. When this happened, Hatun
B. pretended to be the woman and threatened N.G. during phone
conversations, saying "if my husband finds out he'll kill us both.
We have to destroy the video of us together." In this way, Engin T.
and Hatun B. continued to blackmail N.G.
After a while, though, N.G. became suspicious and refused to pay
any more money. He went to the police and told them he had lost
52,000 TL (about $12,500) to Engin T. and Hatun B. Police picked
up the suspects and took them to jail.
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