stop: Kütahya, where the staff at Hale Eczanesi on Menderes
Caddesi pointed our reporter in the right direction, after a
glass of çay. Below election-related item came from page 3 of
the Kütahya Günlük Siyasi Gazete. (Kütahya Daily Political
Newspaper.) perused at Hale Eczanesi over said çay the day
after the 24 June elections.//
If it wasn't for the election, and police guarding the
polling place, and the traffic police chief happening by...
The alertness of the traffic police chief, who was inspecting police
assigned to school polling places on election day morning, and his
driver saved a cat that had gotten stuck in the engine compartment
of a car.
After traffic chief Hasan Açıkgöz (appropriately, "open-bright-clever
eyes") checked on his officers, who were assigned to the Linyit
school in the Yıldırım Beyazıt neighborhood, he and his driver heard
the sounds of a cat coming from the motor compartment of a nearby
car. Açıkgöz checked with his office to try to learn the phone number
of the car's owner, based on the plate number, but without luck.
Açıkgöz and his driver left a note on the car, alerting the driver to
"check your engine compartment before starting your car because
there's a cat inside!" Just then, the car owner showed up, opened the
hood and the kitten jumped out, scampering off into a nearby
apartment garden.
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